(taken by myself shortly after the tornado out where our storage unit used to be)
Six months ago on a Sunday evening, a deadly EF5 tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri, forever changing everyone’s lives here. May 22, 2011 seemed just like any other day, some people were out shopping, some visiting friends & family, some celebrating big events like high school graduation and others like myself who were simply preparing for the week ahead, little realizing what lay ahead for all of us. I would like to take a moment to remember the 161 lives that were lost. I have prayed a lot over the last few months and continue to do so for those that were lost and for those that are still recovering either physically, emotionally, mentally, or in many cases, all of the above. In some ways, this has been the longest six months I can ever remember going through. On the other hand, I cannot believe an entire half a year has gone by since the tornado, especially in the busy hustle-bustle of this holiday season. I have thought about the tornado and all that has happened since every single day and countless times I have sat down to write about my experiences, but countless times I walked away from my computer, deleted numerous drafts & in some cases simply collapsed in tears, unable to write a single word. I just wasn’t ready to talk about it, it all just seemed too raw to put into words, I wasn’t even sure how to start. But now, from time to time, in the coming months I’ll be setting some time aside to share my own thoughts and experiences starting the day of the tornado and going on from there. I hope in sharing, perhaps others will feel free to share as well. I think the more we talk about our experiences, the more it helps us heal. More to come soon…
I think you are a phenomenal person, Fritzie, for picking up one foot and putting it before the other and trying to carry on “as usual”. Being from Springfield, I am only a little bit aware of what all of you went through, despite being only an hour away and helping many times in disaster efforts. What I saw and witnessed of the people of Joplin brought me to my knees, in both admiration and heartache. Keep doing what you do, Girlfriend. You’re a rockstar in my book.
Aww, thanks guys! ♥