I would like to take a moment today to remember my Father. Five years ago today I lost my dad to cancer. He was in his 60s and taken away far too soon, but I am eternally grateful for the time and memories I do have with him and I will forever carry those memories with me. He really was one of a kind and not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. I love you Papa and hope you’re fishing somewhere in heaven. ♥
To this day, something I still find hard to comprehend, the following dance routine from “So You Think You Can Dance” aired on TV the day that my father passed away five years ago. It was choreographed by the incomparable Mia Michaels, who created this dance as a tribute to her father, who she also lost to cancer. It was a great comfort for me that night and to this day, I consider it a gift from the heavens.
(if you don’t see the clip, view it here)
What a sweet tribute! Praying for you on this tough day. I know how hard it is to lose a dad…