Aldi Deals
Here are the latest Aldi deals. Here you will find a list of fresh produce deals, food deals and other buys.
Note: keep in mind prices & selection will vary by region. View the Aldi weekly ad here online. My favorite thing about Aldi stores hands down are their produce deals, they frequently have the best buys in my area here in Springfield. And if you’re not familiar with Aldi, please note that they do not accept coupons.
↓↓↓ (Click on “Read more…” below to view the complete Aldi Deals list) ↓↓↓
For more Aldi info, check out What to Buy at Aldi (and what not to buy).
Is the chicken breast at Aldi’s that is $1.59# is it if the bone in or skinless? Thanks Dorothy
The ad doesn’t specify
how do I refill my stone mill salt grinder.
About what size are the pumpkins at Aldi’s? We are looking for the bigger size pumpkin to carve
The ad doesn’t specify, but in the past, they’ve typically been the larger pumpkins (stock and selection can vary by location as well).