FINAL UPDATE: 9/1/10: Current Coupon Policy HERE
UPDATE #3: Check out the latest on the coupon policy HERE, it looks like this new policy was an error from corporate all along & was never meant to be issued to the Dillons stores! I’m waiting to hear back the full details from Dillons Corporate & will update with all the details later today! Thanks to everyone for all their calls to Dillons Corporate to try and get this all figured out!
UPDATE #2: Again, for everyone that has a Dillons store telling you that they are no longer doubling coupons over $0.50 (i.e. $0.55 to $1.00), they may have the incorrect information. According to information Lisa (see comments), I & others have received from Dillons Corporate Customer Service via phone 1-800-362-2183, ONLY store #300-325 are not doubling coupons over $0.50. Some of these stores that are enforcing the non-doubling policy over $0.50 may be getting the wrong memo/coupon policy. You can call Dillon’s Corporate number like Lisa did (thanks Lisa!) with the Springfield Battlefield location to make sure the correct policy is used. The Joplin location also appears to be straightened out and are now aware of the correct policy. It may take a few days to iron out all the details, but if we all stay on top of this, we can at least be sure to have the correct policies in place. Whew!
UPDATE: Ok, I finally got through to Dillons Corporate Customer Service & got further information:
First of all, most stores will have the same general policy, but each store can change the rules at their discretion. The person I talked to on the phone said that there should be a coupon policy at each store that the customer can view. I told him that that at my Dillons, they would not let me look at the coupon policy and he said they were incorrect in doing that.
In my region (Southwest Missouri):
- The doubling will continue (ie $0.55 coupons will still double to $1.00, the customer service lady at the store told me otherwise with the new policy in her hand, but the corporate customer service person I talked to on the phone said this was incorrect. I guess we shall see!)
- No longer accepting expired coupons
- No longer accepting E-coupon with manufacturer’s coupons (the E-coupon will take priority over the paper manufacturer coupon)
- Limit of IPs is at each store’s discretion, check with your store for their policy. If the coupon does not scan, it will not be accepted. Black & white IPs will also not be accepted. FREE IPs will not be accepted either.
- With a BOGO sale, you cannot use a BOGO coupon to get 2 items free (sighhhh, I know, I know!) I tried to reason why this should be accepted, but no-go (in my opinion, it shouldn’t be a problem using a BOGO coupon on a BOGO sale. Here’s how I see it: The store is giving you one item free & the manufacturer is giving you one item free with the coupon. But, apparently Dillons doesn’t see it that way.
Now, please keep in mind, I am doing my best to get all of us Dillons shoppers accurate information, but your store’s policy may vary from the above. I HIGHLY recommend that you contact Dillons or ask to see the coupon policy at your store. If I can help anyone, or anyone has any questions, I’ll be glad to try and help. 🙂
I just got word in about drastic changes in Dillons’ coupon policy and I’m sorry folks, but it’s not good news. Here’s a few of the changes, effective 8/30:
- Coupons will only double up to $0.50 (ie, $0.55 coupons will no longer double to $1.00)
- Limit of 2 IPs (internet printables) per transaction
- No longer accepting expired coupons
- No longer able to stack Manufacturer’s coupons with E-coupons
Now, please keep in mind while I did speak to someone in customer service with the coupon policy in her hands, I have not yet been able to see the actual policy with my own eyes yet (I asked her for a copy, that was a no-go, she wouldn’t even let me look at it for myself). I have contacted Dillons about their new policy, when I hear something back in writing, I’ll update this post. You can email Dillons HERE or call them at 1-800-362-2183. Personally, I am very disappointed in this drastic policy change and I know I’ll be shopping at other stores more & Dillons less in the future.
Thanks to Stacey & Cathy for the heads up on this new policy!