Check out more Wordless Wednesday at WW Headquarters, 5 Minutes for Mom and Seven Clown Circus.
Where Saving Money is Making Money!
by Fritzie
Check out more Wordless Wednesday at WW Headquarters, 5 Minutes for Mom and Seven Clown Circus.
by Fritzie
Check out more Wordless Wednesday at WW Headquarters, 5 Minutes for Mom and Seven Clown Circus.
by Fritzie
Check out more Wordless Wednesday at WW Headquarters, 5 Minutes for Mom and Seven Clown Circus.
by Fritzie
Check out more Wordless Wednesday HERE.
by Fritzie
I’d like to take a moment to remember my dad, who passed away 2 years ago on August 1st after a battle of cancer. He was a strong, intelligent man and I still miss him every day. I had the good fortune to do a lot of traveling around the United States with my parents when I was a kid and the first picture is of my dad & me in the late 1980’s. He collected t-shirts with quirky sayings as we journeyed around the country, he’s wearing one of his favorites in the 2nd picture “Beam me up Scotty, there’s no intelligent life down here.”
More Wordless Wednesday HERE.
by Fritzie
Check out more Wordless Wednesday HERE.
by Fritzie
Check out more Wordless Wednesday HERE.
by Fritzie
This Wednesday will be wordful-I’d like to make this a tribute to the 2 beautiful dogs you see in the picture, Rebel (left) and Sunny (right). They both lived to a ripe old age of 15 and 16. Sunny passed away first this year at the end of April and Rebel passed away just a few days ago. Sunny was named for her sunny disposition and Rebel was named for the movie “Rebel Without a Cause”. Sunny was Rebel’s mother and they lived with each other their whole lives and they got to spend their last several years on a farm with my mom and stepdad. They got to romp around the farm and Jim was their buddy and constant companion. These were the best years of their lives by far and I can’t thank my mom and Jim enough for taking such excellent care of them and giving them so much love. I love you guys! 🙂
Check out more Wordless Wednesday HERE.