Right now, there are 4 high value Dollar General Coupons you can snag by doing the following steps:
- Go HERE, click on “Save Now”
- Share each coupon via Facebook or with 3 friends
- You’ll receive a link in your email for each coupon:
$1.50 off any one All product
$1.50 off any one Huggies Snug N Dry Diapers
$1.50 off any one Air Wick product
$1.25 off any Degree Deodorant Twin Pack
I shared each of these coupons and got a link in my email instantly for each coupon. They are all Dollar General Store coupons that can be stacked with manufacturer’s coupons (print their Coupon Policy & take it along with you). As of right now, all coupons are available, but they probably won’t be around long, so print them right away, especially the All Detergent coupon!
And, All Detergent is on sale this week through 1/8, so use the coupon above to snag this awesome deal:
All Free & Clear or All Oxi-Active Detergent (50 oz.) – $3.50
Use $1.00/1 mfg. coupon from 1/1 RP insert or HERE
And Use $1.50/1 DG Store coupon HERE
Final Cost $1.00
Thanks Mojo Savings!
I tried it allowed me to send it to people but never got a coupon and neither did anyone else. You would think if it was gone it would just say it.