Dollar Tree Deals
Here are the current Dollar Tree deals with coupon matchups. Keep in mind that stock and selection varies quite a bit from store to store. You can view and/or print Dollar Tree’s coupon policy here. Dollar Tree is also a good place to pick up Sunday newspapers if you are looking for ways to pick up more coupons at a decent price. Our Dollar Tree, for example, sells the Kansas City Star for $1.00. And the Star has SO many more coupons than our local newspaper does.
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I will keep this list updated as new coupons come along & old ones expire & as other products appear in Dollar Tree stores. See a deal not on the list? Feel free to leave a comment! 🙂
I did find some colgate in there that was 4oz so I got it for .25
I did not find the gain dreyer sheets tho.
The Fisherboy coupon is now 16 oz – 64 oz products only. Even the ones without a size on them that I printed a month ago would scan as invalid at Dollar Tree.
Dollar Tree in Springfield telling me they do not take coupons on any bread (“because it is not a retail sale”)