Yay, hurry on over to Coupons.com, use zipcode 77477 if needed and print the following hot coupon:
- $1.00 off any two BIC Stationery products NOTE: This coupon has RESET! I printed two of these previously when they were available and I was able to print two more just now, so you should be able to print two more as well or if you missed it the first time it came around, here’s your chance to print them now! Hurry, these won’t last long!
BIC Cristal 10 pack pens are $0.50 at Target & the BIC Stic 1 pack pens are $0.50 at Dollar General this week, making them FREE with this great coupon! Gotta love free pens, my dh goes through them like crazy, we never seem to have enough. 😉
I thought Dollar General didn’t take internet coupons?
No, they changed that policy quite a long time ago, they now accept internet printed coupons, see their policy HERE.