I was browsing through Coupons.com and stumbled across three great coupons:
- $1.00 off any one I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter product Use zipcode 60016, select the coupon, then use zipcode 19088 and you’ll see ANOTHER coupon:
- $1.00 off any one I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter product (While these both print with small store logos & say “Available at Dominick’s/Genuardis” they are Manufacturer’s coupons and can be used anywhere printed coupons are accepted)
- $1.00 off any one Smart Chicken product (also at zipcode 19088)
The ICBINB coupons don’t expire until 6/30, so plenty of time to use them. Wait for a sale to snag a really good deal. There’s also a $0.50 off one ICBINB 8 oz. or larger spread Target store coupon you can print HERE. Stack the two coupons together for a total of $1.50 off! And don’t forget, there’s also Three More ICBINB coupons at Coupons.com!
Wondering if Coupons.com”s site is down cuz I can’t get it to come up. have tried several different paths with no luck??
I tried it just now and it pulled up just fine, you might want to try it again (I used the link in this post and I’m using Google Chrome, the site came up right away for me).
So sorry, apparently my pop-up blocker got turned back on. I was finally able to print 2. Thanx:)
No problem, glad you were able to print your coupons. 🙂