I have a local Recycling Center that is awesome. Granted, it is on the other side of town, but since we don’t have curbside recycling in our area, it’s a trip I consider well worth it. And my Recycling Center has a couple extra additional cool features. They have free mulch and dirt for your gardening needs which is great. Also, they have an area where people can drop off small items for other people to take as they wish. Items include books (they have lots of books, about 8 full tall bookshelves), newer magazines, vases, puzzles, games, little knick-knacks and miscellaneous like that. I try and take at least one item like this every time I go, I feel like it’s more of a swap that way and someone else gets something they want! When I go to the recycling center, I never know what I’m going to find.
Anyway, my find today just made my day! It was a board game called “221B Baker Street” (I also found a fun book on astrology I couldn’t resist bringing home). I used to have this game years ago and love to play this with one of my favorite people, my Aunt Jeannie! She is the master of all games and always creamed me at every game we ever played, but this was the one game I actually had a chance to win on occasion. LOL So, lots of great times with playing games when I was younger and it brought back a flood of great memories. I played board games when I was a kid with friends all the time and my parents always made time to play too (my dad could bring me to tears with the game “Risk” when I was a kid). It made me remember the days before the internet and all the technology that’s available to us today. A great trip down memory lane. Thanks Recycling Center! 🙂
I have the first one? Where the heck did I put it?!?! LMAO!!! I guess you’ll have to come down here to get it!!! ROFL