Hy-Vee Deals
Here are the most recent Hy-Vee deals with coupon matchups At Hy-Vee you can stack manufacturer coupons with store coupons. Check out more details from the Hy-Vee Coupon Policy here along with details about Hy-Vee’s Fuel Saver program.
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I can only find 12pks. of Pepsi 3/$10 not $2.67 – Do I need a coupon of some sort?
Thanks for the match-ups. i just found your website a couple weeks ago and i appreciate all you ad match-ups!
Thanks for the match-ups!
Thank-you for the Hy-vee Match-ups. I love this site.
Hi! This week (March 9-15) is the second in a row I haven’t been able to view the Hy-Vee match ups–it just says, “this store’s match-ups are coming soon!” I have tried my desktop, iPad, and phone, and it doesn’t show up on any of them. Any suggestions?
Hi Erin, you should be able to view now, thanks for letting me know! 🙂
This seems like a great resource, thank you! I am just not sure how to get the coupons? When I click on them websites come up but no coupon or link to coupon. Please advise…. Thanks!
Links to the coupons should come up, can you give me an example? Thanks!
I am unable to view the matchups. It says This store’s match-ups are coming soon! Is there another way to view?
My apologies, but for the time being, Hy-Vee matchups will be unavailable. I hope to have them available again in the future.
On the 2 day sale dec. 29th, you can get a $1 rebate on the 6 pack. coca cola from checkout 51…making it .88 each. limit 4 at hy-vee, but limit 5 rebates in checkout 51. I just did it tonight.
I have a question. What is Hyvee’s coupon policy on the “Buy one Get one free” sale do you know? I know I’m allowed to use a coupon on the item I’m buying, but what about the item that is free? Can I use one against that too or no? Too many coupon policies at different stores really make me confused at times. Thanks for any help! 🙂
Thanks Frugal Fritzie for doing Hy-Vee match up, they are hard to find. Until Tomorrow Mar. 28, you can buy 6 jars of planters peanuts @ 2.49 each, get $6 off from Kraft, and at my store many jars have $1 off 2 coupons, so buy 3 with coupons, 3 without, and it costs you just $6 total.
The Hy-Vee Cereal deal is pretty awesome this week.
Besides the coupons available and the $5 off 5, you get a $2 Catalina for purchasing $10 and can submit the receipt for a movie ticket, value up to $12 for participating theaters.
This is what I’m doing.
buy five cereals $10
Hy-vee promo -$5
printable coupons -$2.5
Total after promo and coupons $2.50 +tax
get back $2 off next purchase catalina coupon + up to $12 credit for a movie ticket from general mills.
tested and works.
Is there a way to print the Hy-vee checklist? I can not seem to locate the print button. Thanks.
Hi Rachelle, when you check items you’d like to print on the list (by clicking on the boxes next to the items), a box should appear at the bottom right corner. At the top left of that box, you should see a print icon that will enable you to print the list. I hope that helps. 🙂