Walmart didn’t have hardly anything I was looking for, but my Pictureka find made my trip totally worthwhile. 🙂 My deals:
2 Pictureka Card Games $5.24 ea, used 2 $5.00 Qs (Coupon says “Pictureka game”, it does not specify that you have to buy the board game)
Hunts Ketchup 24 oz. $1.23, used FREE Coupon
Frenchs Spicy Brown Mustard (look for 50% more bottles) $1.27, used $.50 Q
Mt. Olive Hot Pepper Rings $1.57, used $.50 Q
Green Bell Pepper $.58
Head of Lettuce $.89
Sea Salt $1.48
Snickers bar $.50, used FREE coupon
Final Cost $5.27
I guess the Pictureka coupons are no longer available are they?
No, they were available on a few weeks ago.
Gotta love those unexpected finds.