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UPDATE: The coupons reset sometime last night, here’s the locations of the ones that are left:
10% off denim: Click on the lollipop the little girl in the middle is holding
$10 off $50: Move the orange tank top to the girl on the very far right
$20 off $100: Click within the video
$15 off $75: Put a flower in the model’s hair on the far right in the blue shirt. 2nd, put another flower in the little lollipop girl’s hair. 3rd, put a flower in the model’s hair with the light purple shirt
$45 off $100 :Put the light purple flower in the model that is holding the flowers hair. 2nd take a picture by clicking the camera.
$65 off $100: Move the orange tank top to the girl on the far right, then click on all 3 shirts on the bottom from left to right.
Old Navy’s coupons could reset anytime and this week the best coupon will be $65 off $100 like last week.
UPDATE: This in from ON’s News Blog “Get your hunting fingers ready because this week at OldNavyWeekly.com we’re hiding $65 off $100 coupons and you can still keep one for yourself and gift one to a friend…if you find them quick enough, that is. Happy hunting!!!”
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