Price Cutter Deals
Here are Price Cutter deals with coupon matchups for the week of August 9th through August 15th, 2017. Price Cutter doubles coupons up to and including $0.50 (their policy says they will not double coupons that state “do not double”). Any free items after coupons are highlighted in green.
↓↓↓ (Click on “Read more…” below to view the Price Cutter deals for this week) ↓↓↓
You can view the Price Cutter coupon policy here. Just keep in mind their policy states a limiting of doubling 2 “like” coupons and a limit of doubling 20 coupons total. Price Cutter Catalinas have ended, read the details here.
Johnsonville Flame Grilled Chicken Breasts 9-10.5 oz – $4.99
Use $1.50/1 Johnsonville Flame Grilled Chicken Breasts coupon from the 6/25 SmartSource insert
And get $1.00 back on Johnsonville Flame Grilled Chicken Breasts from Checkout 51
Final Cost $2.49
Land O Frost Bistro Lunchmeat 6 oz – $2.50
Use $0.75/1 Land O’Frost Premium, Bistro Favorites, or Canadian Bacon coupon from the 7/23 SmartSource insert
Final Cost $1.75
Olathe Sweet Corn – $0.25 each
Jumbo Cantaloupe – $1.50 each
Yoplait Yogurt Cups 4-6 oz – $0.50 each
Use $0.50/5 Yoplait Yogurt Cups Coupon (doubles)
Final Cost $0.30 each
Hiland Orange Juice 1 gallon – $3.79
Use $0.50/1 Hiland Orange Juice coupon from here (doubles)
Final Cost $2.79
Hiland Family Quality Chek’d Ice Cream 56 oz – $1.99 (Limit 2)
Use $0.50/1 Hiland Ice Cream Square or Old Recipe Ice Cream coupon from the 7/23 SmartSource insert or from here (doubles)
Final Cost $0.99
Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent 50 oz – $2.50
Use $1.00/1 Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent Coupon
Final Cost $1.50
Hi! Have you ever shopped at Murfinsin Ozark? They have a lot of good deals there! I wish you would do the coupon match up there. Let me know if you decide to… I’ll be here ever week and tell all my friends, that’s for sure!
Hi Michele, I don’t shop at Murfins but I did notice they have lots of good deals. I haven’t found the time to add any more coupon matchups to my schedule. However, if I do find the extra time in the future, I’ll definitely keep Murfins in mind. Do you shop at the King Cash Saver?
I do sometimes… Its the closest to my house. I like muffins because they are locally owned, they have some organic, they have the BEST fried chicken deals on Tuesday (plus it is the best grocery store chicken, taste wise) And if you have their saver card, you have great savings. I didn’t have a Hiland coupon for cheese, but I got about seven 1 pound Hiland cheese for 1.99 last week. CRAZY SAVINGS! 🙂
Wow, that’s awesome (and I love Hiland products!). I’ll have to try and stop by Murfins one of these days for sure, thanks for the tips! 🙂
Hi Fritzie! Do you live in Springfield now? Crazy question, I know. I lived in Joplin my whole life and followed your blog there. We were transferred to Springfield last month. I am struggling with adjusting to the stores here and find that the stores in Joplin were much better. Any suggestions on the best places to shop in Springfield? Thank you for your help and advice!
Hi Sherri. Yes, I recently moved to Springfield within the last few months. I’m still getting used to it myself. I like Price Cutter’s sales items and I like that they have quite a few locations here. I have found some nice deals at King Cash Saver (and Hy-Vee is right across the street). Springfield also has a Food4Less and an Aldi right across the street from it. I’m a big Aldi fan, I go there fairly often. I like to price match at Walmart too, especially produce.