Save Money on Fresh Produce
If you are looking for ways to save money on fresh produce, here are a few tips I picked up along the way. Over the last year and a half, as I have been eating healthier, that means a whole lot more fresh fruits and vegetables in my life. While I would love to eventually start growing my own fresh vegetables, it is one of those many items on my “list” I just haven’t gotten around to yet. I’ve never had much of a green thumb (in fact, I’ve joked many times that I have a brown thumb from all the poor plants that have suffered under my care over the years). Eventually, I would like to overcome this and master the art of gardening. In the mean time, thankfully, I have found ways to pick up great buys on fresh produce at grocery stores and here are some of my favorite tips:
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Use Coupons
Believe it or not, there are fresh produce manufacturer’s coupons available. Granted, coupons for fresh produce are not as readily available as for other products, but they are out there. Watch for coupons in-store on display at your local grocery store. You’ll be surprised how many you come across once you start looking. You will find them in the form of peelies, hangtags and tearpad coupons. Also, signing up for newsletters online is a good way find printable fresh produce coupons. Here is a list of a few to get you started:
Driscoll’s Berries – Sign Up for the Berry Community and receive offers in your inbox including a coupon on your birthday.
Earthbound Farm – Register on Earthbound Farm’s site, they frequently have coupons available on their various products.
Organic Girl – Sign up for their mailing list (click on “love us”, upper right) and receive a $1/1 Organic Girl Coupon.
Klondike Brand Potatoes – They offer coupons periodically, sign up for thier newsletter to receive their latest offerings. – They offer fresh produce coupons from time to time on various brands, check back often, they generally add new coupons daily!
Use Savings Apps
Checkout 51 – Earn Cash Back on Groceries at ANY Store (including produce). Two things I really like about Checkout 51 is that you don’t need a Smartphone to utilize it and it is very user-friendly. Read more about it here.
Target Cartwheel – They frequently offer deals on produce which you can also stack with manufacturer’s coupons and store coupons. Read more about it here.
SavingStar – they offer one Fresh Produce Deal each week.
Plan Your Meals Around Sales
To optimize my savings, I plan my meals based on what produce items are on sale for the week. One of my favorite places to shop for fresh produce is Aldi where you can frequently find some awesome buys.
Buy in Bulk
Buy in bulk when it is feasible. One of my favorite purchases at Sam’s Club for example, is a 6 pack of Fresh Romaine Hearts for under $4.00. It lasts us an entire week and is far cheaper than buying each one individually. Keep in mind that quite a bit of produce freezes well too and surprisingly holds their nutritional value when frozen as well.
So, stack all of these tips together and you’ll find the savings adding up every month. What methods do you like to use to save money on fresh produce?
These are all good tips! Hello from Thrifty Thursday.