Hi all, I wanted to give everyone an update on how the Online Donation Drive for Joplin Tornado Relief is progressing. Donations have been coming in from all over the country, from coast to coast, it’s amazing! Donations have been sent from New York, Oregon, Ohio, Iowa, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Texas, Louisiana, here in Missouri & Kansas.
And I just want to say to those of you who’ve sent items, it touches me so much that you’ve taken time out of your busy lives to collect, pack and spend your hard-earned money to ship the items to help towards Joplin Tornado Relief. I feel truly blessed to be participating in this drive and I just want to thank each & every one of you. I also want to thank all of those that have donated to Red Cross & dropped off donations, I’ve been hearing from a lot of readers in Springfield (for example) that have dropped off many, many items at various drop-off locations around the city. I’ve been logging all the items received from this online donation drive on a google spreadsheet, you can check it out HERE. Keep in mind it’s a work in progress, so feel free to check back for updates. I’ve sorted the donations by type to best distribute the items where they’re most needed and I’ll update later this week where all of these awesome donations have been distributed to. I’m also collecting & logging all the heartfelt notes that were included in shipments & will be distributing those as well. Again, thank you everyone for all your help, it means the world to us down here in Joplin in the heart of the southwest corner of Missouri.
Donations items, Sorted:
Baby Items galore, Food, Toiletries, First Aid items, Pet Food, Oh My!
A Whole Box of Toothpaste!
Toiletries & First Aid Items
Whole Box of Toothbrushes, Wow!
Even Toys & Books for the Kiddos!
Bless You! ♥
I just wanted to say thank you to you and all of the readers who sent donations! Before all of this happened I was a several times a day reader (waiting for internet to be hooked up at my new house), and I knew that the couponing community would come out in full force to help us! All of the donations, love, and caring have truly made this nightmare so much more bearable. Sunday night I was lost and in shock, but by Tuesday when all of the donation and relief stations started popping up (and I had found a place to rent, whew) I was so relieved. The silver lining has been the faith restored in humanity, and the opportunity to see God’s love in action.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
Melissa, Joplin, MO
Fritzie, I think what you are doing is absolutely fantastic! I am getting ready to work on packing up a box to ship to you. Just wanted to make sure you still need soaps, deodorant, toothpaste, that sort of stuff…? If you could please advise, that would be great. Thanks again for everything that you are doing for your community. God bless.
Melissa, I’m so glad you’re ok & have found housing. If there’s anything at all I can do to help now or in the months to come, please let me know!
Stacy, thanks so much for your help, I couldn’t do it without all of you wonderful couponers out there! And yes, all of that is still needed. Thanks!
Fritzie, Thank you for putting this donation drive together without you I wouldn’t be able to do my part in helping (as I live in AZ). I put together a box this morning and will be sending it out tomorrow!! Hope you can still use the donations!! 🙂
Yes we can Samantha, thanks so much! I’ve been distributing donations to churches & individual families who were affected by the tornado (hoping to update this evening).