Ways to Reuse Coffee Grounds
I am a big coffee-drinker and it got me wondering about all the coffee grounds that just end up in the trash day after day. It turns out, there are a number of easy ways to reuse coffee grounds and some of them may surprise you!
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11 Ways to Reuse Coffee Grounds
Refrigerator Deodorizer
Use coffee grounds in a refrigerator like you would baking soda to keep your frig smelling fresh. Coffee grounds absorb strong odors, so they work well for trash cans as well.
Hand Deodorizer
Did you just cut up an onion and don’t care for the odor left behind? Rub your hands with coffee grounds, it will make that strong onion-y smell disappear.
Body Scrub
Combine equal parts coffee grounds, coconut oil and brown sugar to make an all-natural homemade body scrub. You can also rub plain coffee grounds in your hair in the shower just before your final rinse. Just be mindful that too many coffee grounds could cause clogged drains eventually.
Fireplace Cleaner Helper
The next time you clean your fireplace, spread damp coffee grounds over the ashes. This little tip will make cleaning your fireplace a lot less dusty.
Use coffee grounds as fertilizer for acid-loving plants like tomatoes, carrots or rose bushes.
Toss coffee grounds in your compost pile, it helps maintain the pH level. This helps the food degrade more quickly and evenly (for some great composting tips, check out USDA.gov.)
Cat Deterrent
Cats are not a fan of coffee, sprinkle the grounds around your garden to help keep them away.
Natural Dye
Soak grounds in hot water and use as a dye for paper projects for a sepia look.
Ant Deterrent
Sprinkle grounds where you have an infestation Also said to repel snails and slugs in your garden.
DIY Sachet
Fill part of a doubled-over old nylon hose with dried coffee grounds and a few drops of your favorite essential oil, coffee grounds are great for absorbing odors.
On a side note: I got to thinking about how wasteful we can be as a society (myself included) and what we can do to reduce that waste. I plan on posting a lot more frugal tips on how to use what we have on-hand instead of going out and buying things we don’t necessarily need. This not only helps keep money in your wallet for things you DO need, but it also cuts down on clutter and helps the environment too. I call that a win win win! 😉
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