After breaking heat records here in the Ozarks yesterday, I couldn’t help but wish for cooler weather. So I looked back through my pictures and found this one from an ice storm a couple years ago. Now, don’t get me wrong, I sure don’t want to go through another weather event like that, but I have to admit, it sure does look nice & cool right now ( And yes, I think this continuously hot weather is starting to affect my brain-lol). 😉
te entire month of July was SO hot I wouldn’t mind some cooler weather…maybe even, RAIN! Gasp 🙂
Happy WW! Come on by and link up
Cold weather would be nice, but maybe not that cold!
From Ice to Heat. Or could we say this year…Out of the freezer into the Frying pan!
My WW link for you
What a coincidence! I just posted an old ice storm pic today too!
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Love the photo choice! It was hot and humid here today too. In 6 months I’m sure I’ll be eyeing all my heat-wave pictures through rose-coloured glasses!