My attempt at creativity-lol! Happy 9-9-09 All!
Check out more Wordless Wednesday at WW Headquarters, 5 Minutes for Mom and Seven Clown Circus.
Where Saving Money is Making Money!
by Fritzie
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My attempt at creativity-lol! Happy 9-9-09 All!
Check out more Wordless Wednesday at WW Headquarters, 5 Minutes for Mom and Seven Clown Circus.
Love the creativity!!
Cute! I like the buttons. Happy WW!
And a very great job at your attempt!
That’s cute and yes, creative!
That reminds me today is hand prints in cement day Every yr when the month, day and yr make the same # I do hand prints for the kids
yes very button-iful creative 🙂
Very creative! I didn’t even think about it being 9.9.09!
Very cute… Happy WW !
Cute. Happy Wordful Wednesday.
Hey, you were more creative than I was….