I got these presents in the mail from my wonderful mom. When I was a kid, my mother always made a big effort to make me feel special, and she still does! Aren’t the presents wrapped so pretty?! Thanks Mother, for all your love & support throughout the years, I love you with all my heart! 🙂
Check out more Wordless Wednesday at WW Headquarters, 5 Minutes for Mom and Seven Clown Circus.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your mom sounds like mine – she mails my birthday presents to me and makes sure I feel special, too – especially since I got gypped by having a birthday in December… (grin!!)
Hope you have a wonderful day!! Happy WW! 🙂
From one Virgo to another-HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Wow! How great a mom do you have?!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You have a wonderful mum!
Happy Birthday! That is really awesome, your mom sounds alot like mom. She always made our day special too. Moms are so great!
Well, what are you waiting for? Rip into those goodies!! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! How sweet for her to send you such beautifully wrapped gifts!
happy birthday!
Happy birthday…!!! and what a nice thing your mom did…
Happy WW … and more importantly … HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
President Jimmy Carter and others remind us that Racism in America is still a problem in the 21st century. I invite your blog readers to see how this reality has been caught in a photographic image.
peace, Villager
Happy Birthday! That’s too sweet! I hope I can always make my children feel special like that! 🙂