Here’s a recipe that’s a big hit on our household I thought I’d share with you since it’s that time of year again, yep-Grilling Season!
Spicy Grilled Corn on the Cob Recipe
You’ll need:
Corn on the cob (however many you want)
Butter or Margarine of your choice
1 lime wedge for each corn on the cob
Seasoned Salt
Cayenne Pepper (feel free to change the spices to something that is more to your liking, this recipe is very customizable)
Aluminum Foil
Husk the corn
Lay down a sheet of aluminum foil
Coat a cob with butter
Sprinkle on the seasonings, evenly on all sides
Squeeze 1 Lime wedge on the cob
Roll the cob around on the sheet of foil to ensure all the spices are even
Wrap the cob on the foil
Throw on the grill until done (make sure to turn so it cooks evenly)!