I have pretty good luck with my Target taking their own Target Coupons and other coupons. However, we seem to have higher prices at our store than other locations (and we only have 1 in our area). So, I don’t get quite as many deals, I guess it all balances out! Here’s my deal today:
2 Coppertone Sunscreen Trial Size $.99, used 2 $1.00 Q
4 Crystal Light To Go 3-pack $.99 (by the registers), used 2 $2.00/2 any CL product
2 Kraft Mayo Squeeze Bottles $1.99 ea, used 2 $1.00/1 Q and 1 $1.00/2 Target Coupon
Revlon Emory Board Set $1.29, used $1.00 Q
OOP with Tax: $1.29