Bushnell has a fantastic rebate right now good through 8/15/09 for $50 off their 5 or 7 day Wireless Weather Forecaster here and you can see more info about them HERE. The fantastic news is that Walmart has the 5 day forecasters marked down! They were $100, now they are on clearance for $50 making them FREE. Even better, you can buy up to 3 of these and get all your money back for EACH one (minus tax). That’s 3 awesome Christmas presents right there! After quite the treasure hunt, I finally found the forecasters at my Walmart in the tools section, in the same aisle with the signs like “No Trespassing” and house numbers you nail on your house. Go figure! When I first got to Walmart today, I had asked a stocker in the camping section and she had no idea and didn’t think they had them. When I finally found them, I came back and told her where I had found them in case someone else came looking for them. Then I gave her an extra rebate form I had with me and she was tickled, she said she was going to get one after work. 🙂
So, my Walmart deals today was extra special:
Natures Source Bathroom Cleaner $2.97, used FREE Coupon
White Cloud Toilet Paper 4 pk big rolls $2.00, used $1.00 Q
2 Bushnell Wireless Weather Forecasters, on clearance $50 ea, will use rebate on both
Final Cost $109.14, will be $9.14 after rebates!
TIP #1: Be sure to take the rebate form when you go to Walmart to make sure you get the right model for the rebate (the UPC numbers are listed on the rebate form)
TIP #2: Be sure to copy your receipts/UPC codes/filled out rebate form and keep for your records
I would love to give this as a Christmas gift, but I have to take it our of its original packaging to get the UPS, and Bushnell will not take a copy. Any interesting ideas on how to repackage?
I thought the same thing, I think it would make a great Christmas present. I kind of performed a surgery on my 2 packages that I got. I very carefully took an exacto knife & made a cut where it wouldn’t cut against the forecaster itself (I sure didn’t want to damage the item, that would have defeated the whole purpose of this great deal). I then took scissors and cut the plastic around the UPC code. Last step, I made one more very careful cut with the exacto knife (careful not to cut the owners manual underneath it) and was then able to gently pull the code enough to cut out the code itself with scissors (I used a pair of sharp mini scissors).
Sorry I don’t have a better idea, unless you just want to open one side of the package with a knife, open it like a clamshell, extract the UPC and then tape it back up it. With the way I managed to do it, it does leave the packaging intact.