Here are this week’s deals at Price Cutter along with coupon matchups. Price Cutter doubles coupons up to and including $0.50 (their policy says they won’t double coupons that state “do not double”) and they generally have good sales. Any FREE items after coupons are highlighted in green.
Note: As far as I know, all the Price Cutters are now strictly enforcing their policy which includes limiting of double coupons. You can review the policy HERE. Keep in mind, ymmv at your particular location.
Johnsonville Brats or Italian Sausage (17.63-19 oz.) – $2.99
If included, Use $1.00/1 Johnsonville Pork & Chicken Sausage, any or Chicken Sausage coupons 4/29 or 3/25 SS insert
Or $0.55/1 coupon HERE
Or $1.00/2 Johnsonville Brats or Italian Sausage, any 5/6 SS insert
Final Cost $1.99-$2.49 ea.
Hillshire Farms Smoked or Polish Sausage (13-14 oz.) – $2.29
Use $0.55/1 coupon (zipcode 77477)
Final Cost $1.74
Land O Frost Lunch Meat (10-16 oz.) – $3.79
Use $1.00/2 Land O’ Frost Premium, Deli Shaved Or Bistro Favorites, Any 4/29 RP insert or HERE (zipcode 77477)
Final Cost $3.29 ea.
Bar-S Franks (12 oz.) – $0.69
Oscar Mayer Bologna (16 oz.) – $1.50
CATALINA ALERT, runs through 6/10/12:
Buy Oscar Mayer Lunchmeats in a single transaction and Get a Catalina good off your next order (oyno)
Buy 3=$2.00 oyno
Buy 4=$3.00 oyno
Buy 5 or more=$4.00 oyno
Deal Scenario:
Buy 5 Oscar Mayer Bologna (12 oz.) – $1.50 ea.
Get back $4.00 catalina
Final Cost $0.70 each!
Seedless Watermelon (14-16 lb. ave.) – $3.99
Bob Evans Oven Baked or Original Side Dishes (12-20 oz.) – $2.99
Use $0.35/1 Bob Evans Refrigerated Side Dish, any 4/1 SS insert(doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Or, new members, get a BOGO coupon HERE
Final Cost $1.50-$2.29 ea.
Hiland Sour Cream & Dips (16 oz.) – $1.50
Use $0.50/2 HERE (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.00 ea.
Hiland Shredded Cheese (8 oz.) – $2.29
Use $0.25/1 Hiland Shredded Cheese, any 8 oz 3/18 SS insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.79
Hiland Apple Juice (half gallon) – $1.99
Use $0.35/1 coupon HERE (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.29
Daisy Brand Cottage Cheese (16 oz.) – $1.99
Use $0.45/1 Daisy Brand Cottage Cheese, any 4/29 SS insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.09
Dannon Oikos (5.3 oz.) – $1.00
Use $1.00/5 (value of coupon varies by region, as high as $0.50/2)
Final Cost $0.50-$0.80 ea.
Sargento Slices (6.67-8 oz.) – $2.50
Use $0.50/1 Sargento Natural Blends Sliced or Snack Cheese, any 4/15 SS insert (expires 5/27) (says do not double, ymmv)
Final Cost $1.50-$2.00
Kraft Sliced Cheese (7-8 oz.) – $2.79
Use $0.55/1 Kraft or Cracker Barrel Natural Cheese Slices, any 5/6 SS insert
Final Cost $2.24
7Up (2 liter) – $0.99
Note: Keep an eye out for $0.55/1 coupon
Pepsi-Cola Products (12 oz., 12 Packs or 12 oz., 8 Pack) – 4/$14.00
Save $2 when you buy any four (3) 12 oz. can 12 packs or 12 oz. bottle 8 packs of Pepsi Products with coupon in Print Ad.
Final Cost 4/$12.00
Note: The in-ad coupon is a store coupon, you ought to be able to use manufacturer’s coupons with them.
Use $1.00/1 Sierra Mist 12 oz. can 12-pack Save $.75 on any one 4/22 SS insert
Or $0.75/1 Pepsi Diet, any 12 oz can 12-pack 3/18 SS insert
Lipton Tea Bags (22-24 ct. or 3 oz.) – $2.00
Use $0.40/1 Lipton Tea Bags, Tea & Honey To-Go Or Pitcher Size Or Iced Tea Mix, Any 5/20 RP insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.20
Country Time Lemonade (8 qt.) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 Country Time, any 8 qt canisters 5/6 SS insert
Final Cost $1.50 ea.
Kool-Aid Envelopes – $0.13
Buy 15, Use Buy 10, get 5 FREE Kool-Aid Unsweetened Envelopes, any 5/6 SS insert
Final Cost $0.09 ea.
Crystal Light (7-10 ct.) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 Crystal Light Drink Mix Products, any 5/6 SS insert
Final Cost $1.50 ea.
Pepsi products (2 liter) – $1.33
Use $0.55/1 Pepsi Diet 2-Liter, any 3/18 SS insert
Use $0.55/1 Pepsi Next 2L 4/29 Pepsico Moments To Save insert (expires 5/19)
Or $0.55/1 Sierra Mist 2-Liter, any 4/22 SS insert
Final Cost $0.78
Zevia Natural Soda (6 pk.)- $4.99
Use $2.00/1 coupon HERE
Final Cost $2.99
Blue Bell Ice Cream (1/2 Gallon) – $3.98
Use $1.00 off one Blue Bell Ice Cream-the easiest way to access is to first log in here then go back HERE to print the coupon
Final Cost $2.98
Hiland Family Pak Ice Cream (56 oz.) – $1.50
Use $0.45/1 coupon HERE (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Or $0.55/1 Hiland Square Ice Cream, any 56 oz 3/18 SS insert
Final Cost $0.60-0.95
Hiland Old Recipe Ice Cream (56 oz.) – $3.00
Use $0.50/1 coupon 5/20 SS insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $2.00
Farm Rich Snacks (20-28 oz.) – Buy Two Get One Free @ $7.99, so $5.33 ea.
Use 3 $0.75/1 coupons HERE (zipcode 90210)
Final Cost $4.58 ea.
Kraft Cool Whip (8 oz.) – $1.00
Use $0.50/1 coupon on Facebook HERE (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Use $0.50/2 Cool Whip Whipped Topping, any 5/6 SS insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost FREE-$0.50 ea.
Pam Cooking Spray (5-6 oz.) – $2.99
Use $1.00/1 coupon HERE (zipcode 90210)
Final Cost $1.99
Jell-O Gelatin or Pudding (0.3-3.9 oz.) – $0.69
Use $1.00/4 Jell-O Gelatin or Pudding, any 5/6 SS insert
Final Cost $0.44
Club, Townhouse Crackers (9.5-16 oz.) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 Keebler Club Crackers, any 11 oz or larger 4/1 RP insert (expires 5/27)
Final Cost $1.50 ea.
Keebler Cookies (6.6-15 oz.) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies, 6.6 Oz. +, Any 4/15 RP insert
Final Cost $1.50 ea.
Nabisco Snack Crackers (5.5-10 oz.) – $2.50
Use $1.00/2 coupon HERE
Final Cost $2.00 ea.
Ritz Crackers (6-15.1 oz.) – $2.99
Use $1.00/2 coupon HERE
Or $1.00/2 Ritz Crackerfuls Products, any 4/1 SS insert
Final Cost $2.49 ea.
Lay’s Potato Chips (10-10.5 oz.) – $1.99
C&H Granulated Sugar (4 lb. Bag) – $2.50
Use $1.00/2 coupon HERE (zipcode 77477)
Final Cost $2.00 ea.
C&H Powdered or Brown Sugar (2 lb. Bag) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 coupon HERE (zipcode 77477)
Final Cost $1.50 ea.
French’s Mustard (12-18 oz.) – $1.50
If included, Use $1.00/1 coupon HERE
Use $0.75/1 French’s Dijon Mustard, any 3/18 SS insert
Or $0.50/1 HERE
Or $0.30/1 coupon HERE (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $0.50-$0.90
Sweet Baby Ray’s (18 oz.) – $1.00
Use $1.00/2 Sweet Baby Ray’s Barbecue Sauce, any 5/20 SS insert (some areas got $1.00/4 coupon)
Final Cost $0.50-$0.75 ea.
Hellmann’s Mayonnaise (16.5-30 oz.) – $3.99
Use $1.00/1 Hellmann’s Product, 16.5 Oz. +, Any 5/20 RP insert
Or $1.00/1 Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Dressing with Olive Oil, any All You Magazine, June issue
Final Cost $1.99
Heinz Ketchup (32-40 oz.) – $2.29
Use $0.25/1 Heinz Tomato Ketchup, any 5/20 SS insert (doubles)
Final Cost $1.79
Vlasic Pickles (16-32 oz.) – $2.00
Use $0.55/1 Vlasic Product, any 4/1 SS insert
Final Cost $1.45
Ken’s Dressing (16 oz.) – $1.79
Use $1.00/2 coupon Ken’s Dressings, any 9 oz 5/6 SS insert or HERE(some areas got $1.00/1 coupon)
Final Cost $0.79-$1.29
Zatarain’s Rice Mix (8 oz.) – $1.69
Use $0.50/3 Zatarain’s Rice Mixes, any 4/15 RP insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.36 ea.
Wish-bone Dressing (16 oz.) – $1.79
Use $0.40/2 Wish-Bone Or Western Dressing, any 5/20 RP insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.39 ea.
Hefty EZ Grip Cups & Plates (30-50 ct.) – $1.50
Use $1.00/2 Hefty Plates or Bowls, any 5/13 SS insert
Final Cost $1.00 ea.
Hi Fritzie! The deal on the Farm Rich Snacks (20-28 oz.)is Buy TWO get one free. I stopped by last night to get a few things and noticed that. Sadly, not a very good deal when you have to buy two. Thank you for your awesome match ups though!!
Thanks for the catch Sherri, I fixed it in my post. 🙂