Here is a nice bit of news from Price Cutter. Now through April 15th, 2013, bring in any local competitor ad and Price Cutter will match it. Bring in a printed copy of a competitor’s ad with the current date within a 15 mile radius and present to the cashier when you checkout. Ads printed from the competitor’s website will also be accepted.
What will be Ad Matched:
- Any local competitor’s advertised price, including sale prices available with loyalty card. Items purchased must be identical to those indicated in the ad (brand, size, quantity, flavor, type, color, etc.). The only private label products we can match are: Best Choice, Always Save, Clearly Organic and Superior Selections.
- They will ad match products from its service departments, e.g., fresh meat, hot/cold deli, bakery, produce, etc., as long as it is for a comparable item priced in the same unit type (lb. for lb.; each for each).
- They will accept and double manufacturer’s coupons in accordance to its published coupon policy. Store coupons that appear in a competitor’s current ad will be honored as long as the sale price is indicated on the coupon and identical or comparable items are available. Stated purchase limits will apply.
- For an item to be ad matched, the ad must show a specific price for a specific item.
What will NOT be ad matched:
- Ads for Buy One Get One
- Percentage off type of ads (this also applies to advertised prices where the final price is determined by adding a percentage at time of purchase)
- Going out of business or close out ads
What is considered a Competitor’s Ad:
- Customers may bring in ads from any local competitor that features sale prices for items which we carry, e.g., ads from other grocery stores, drug stores, etc.
- The ad must be for a competitor located within a 15 mile radius of our store. The determination of this territory is the responsibility of our store director.
- Ad must be printed and presented at time of purchase. Ads printed from a competitor’s website are acceptable.
- Ad must be for current sale dates.
You can check out more details from Price Cutter themselves HERE.
Thanks Lisa!
I think this is awesome news. Hopefully it will be a smooth and easy process to ad match there. Once someone tries it out, please report back your experience. I plan to try it out this weekend on my grocery run! Thanks for all of your hard work Fritzie!