Go HERE and see if you can print a coupon for $1.00 off any Rayovac Alkaline Batteries. This coupon has reset for some people, so go check it out & see if you’re one of the lucky ones. Look for the 2 packs at Walmart or Target for only $1.00 which will make them FREE with this coupon. I’ve never seen the 2 packs at my local Walmart, but I have found them at Target in the Dollar Spot section (located at the front of the store).
Thanks Money Saving Mom!
There are 4 packs of Rayovac Heavy Duty batteries on sale at Wal-Mart for .97 There was also a coupon a couple weeks agon for 1.00 off of 2 which for some reason I had 6 of! So I was able to get 16 4-packs of batteries for $6.00. That’s not too shabby considering I used to buy 12 batteries for $7.00 or so. And my family demoloishes batteries with the musical toys and x-box controllers!!