For those of you in Southwest Missouri who have a Summer Fresh near you, here’s this week’s Summer Fresh Coupon Matchups and Deals. Find your nearest Summer Fresh . A couple things about Summer Fresh if you don’t shop there much. They do have a shopper’s card (you can sign up & get one right away in-store) and they double coupons up to and including $0.50 (limit 2 on doubling like coupons). View & Print their Coupon Policy.
Notes for this week: Three Day Sale from Friday-Sunday 6/29-6/30, sale items with coupon matchups along with the best deals are noted at the bottom of my post.
Nathan’s Premium Smoked Franks (14 oz.) – $3.99
Use $1.00/1 in-ad coupon
Final Cost $2.99
Ball Park Franks (16 oz.) – $1.67
Use $1.00/2 Ball Park Franks, Any 6/3 RP insert or printable coupon
Final Cost $1.17 ea.
Land O Frost Lunchmeat (10-16 oz.) – $3.99
Use $0.55/1 coupon HERE
Or $1.00/2 Land O’ Frost Premium, Deli Shaved Or Bistro Favorites, Any 4/29 or 6/24 RP insert or here
Final Cost $3.44-$3.49 ea.
Tomatoes- $0.99 lb.
Avocados – $0.69
Reser’s Original or Mustard Potato Salad, Cole Slaw or Macaroni Salad (2.75-3 lb.) – $3.99
Use $1.00/1 Reser’s coupon
Final Cost $2.99
Kraft Cheese Slices (7-8 oz.) – $2.39
Use $0.55/1 Kraft or Cracker Barrel Natural Cheese Slices, any 5/6 SS insert (expires 6/30)
Final Cost $1.84
Hiland Cottage Cheese (24 oz.) – $2.00
Use $0.40/1 coupon 5/20 SS insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.20
Red Diamond Tea (gallon) – $2.50
Use $0.50/1 Red Diamond Tea 6/10 SS insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.50 ea.
Kool-Aid Envelopes – 12/$1.00
Use Buy 10, get 5 FREE Kool-Aid Unsweetened Envelopes, any 5/6 SS insert
Final Cost $0.05 ea.
Capri Sun (10 ct.) – $2.00
Use $0.75/3 Capri Sun, any 10 ct boxes 5/6 SS insert (expires 6/30)
Final Cost $1.75 ea.
Popsicle items (various) – $3.49
Use $1.00/1 coupon HERE
Final Cost $2.49
Jack’s Pizza (15-19 oz.) – $2.50
Use $0.75/1 Jack’s Pizza, any 15-30.5 oz 5/13 SS insert or from All You Magazine, May issue (the one from All You expires 6/30)
Final Cost $1.75
Lay’s Chips (8.5-10.5 oz.) – $2.00
Use $0.55/1 or $0.75/2 coupons HERE
Final Cost $1.45-$1.63 ea.
Planters Peanuts (16 oz.) – $3.49
Use $1.00/2 Planters Product, any 4-21.5 oz 6/24 SS insert (some areas got $1.00/1)
Final Cost $2.49-$2.99 ea.
Lawry’s Marinades (12 oz.) – $2.00
Use $0.50/1 Lawry’s Marinade coupon (doubles, limit 2 on doubling) (zipcode 44127)
Final Cost $1.00
Pace Picante (16 oz.) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 Pace, any jars 4/29 SS insert (some areas got $0.60/2 coupon)
Use $0.50/2 HERE (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.50-$1.70 ea.
Kraft Dressing (14-16 oz.) – $1.67
IF included, Use $1.00/1 Kraft Anything Dressing coupon
Final Cost $0.67
Near East Couscous (5.6 oz.) – $1.99
Use $1.00/2 Near East Couscous or Quinoa Blends, any 6/3 RP insert
Final Cost $1.49
Huggies Little Swimmers – $6.99
Use $1.00/1 printable coupon
Final Cost $5.99
Pantene Pro-V Hair Care (6.6-12.6 oz.) – $1.89 $3.59 I guess this one was too good to be true, the $1.89 is apparently a Misprint in the ad (Thanks Jana!)
Use $3.00/2 Pantene Products, any 5/13 P&G insert (expires 6/30) or 6/24 SS insert
Final Cost $0.39 ea. $2.09 ea.
Three Day Sale 6/29-7/1, Friday-Sunday
Fresh Ground Beef (family pack) – $1.99 lb. Limit 2 packages
Fresh Corn 4/$1.00 Limit 8
Best Choice Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns (8 ct.) – $0.79
Oscar Mayer Regular Meat Franks (16 oz.) – $1.25
Kraft Miracle Whip (30 oz.) – $2.99 Limit 1
Use $1.00/2 Kraft Mayo, any two (2) or Miracle Whip Dressing 6/17 SS insert
Final Cost $2.49 ea.
Nabisco Wheat Thins & Snack Crackers (7-10 oz) – $1.67
Use $1.00/2 HERE
Final Cost $1.17 ea
Nabisco Ritz Crackers (7.5-16 oz.) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 coupon HERE
Or If included, Use $1.00/2 Ritz Crackerfuls Products, any 4/1 SS insert (expires 6/30)
Final Cost $1.50 ea.
The Pantene was actually a printing error. The sale price is I believe, $3.59 not $1.89. 🙁 I was hoping to score some cheap products.
I wondered about that when I was writing up my post. 🙁 I’ll update, thanks!
Thanks Fritzie for posting the CommonKindness Lays coupon here. And thanks to your readers for clipping our coupons! You are all helping fund America’s struggling nonprofit organizations! Together we all win!