For those of you in Southwest Missouri who have a Summer Fresh near you, here’s my weekly coupon match-up post. Find your nearest Summer Fresh . A couple things about Summer Fresh if you don’t shop there much. They do have a shopper’s card (you can sign up & get one right away in-store) and they double coupons up to and including $0.50 (limit 2 on doubling like coupons). View & Print their Coupon Policy.
USDA Choice Boneless Chuck Roast – BOGO @ $4.29 lb., so $2.15 lb.
Pilgrim’s Pride Whole Fryer – $0.85 lb. Limit 2
Ball Park Meat Franks (16 oz.) – $2.79
Use $0.75/2 Ball Park Product, Any 4/15 RP insert
Final Cost $2.42 ea.
Jumbo Head Lettuce – $0.99
Ripe Avocados – $0.69
Tomatoes on the Vine – $0.75 lb.
Gold Peak Tea – $1.00
Use $1.00 off one Gold Peak Tea 18.5 oz. Bottle (no longer available, hopefully you had a chance to print it) (your store may or may not accept the coupon, ymmv. If not price match at Walmart!)
Final Cost FREE
7Up products(2 liter) – $1.00
Use $1.00/2 7Up Products coupon HERE
Final Cost $0.50 ea.
El Monterey Taquitos, Tamales, Chimichangas Or Quesadillas (21-24 oz.) – $4.99
Use $1.00/1 El Monterey Mexican Snacks: Taquitos, Tamales, Mini Chimis Or Quesadillas, Any 3/4 RP insert
Final Cost $3.99
Reames Noodles (16 oz.) – $2.50
Use $0.50/1 Reames Frozen Product, any 3/25 SS insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.50
Hiland Ice Cream (56 oz.) – $3.50
Use $0.45/1 coupon HERE (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $2.60
Tony’s Original Pizza (12-16 oz.) – $1.67
Malt O Meal Cereals (118-21.5 oz.) – $2.50
Use $1.50/3 coupon HERE
Final Cost $2.00 ea.
Lawry’s Seasoned Salt (8 oz.) – $1.50
Use $0.50/1 Lawry’s Blends, any 4/15 RP insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling, some areas got $1.00/2 coupon)
Final Cost $0.50-$1.00 ea.
Lay’s Chips (10-10.5 oz.) – BOGO @ $4.29, so $2.15 ea.
Use $1.00/2 Lay’s Brand Potato Chips, any 10 oz or larger 4/29 Pepsico Moments to Save insert
Final Cost $1.65 ea.
Tostitos Chips (9.75-13 oz.) – $2.99
Use $1.00/2 Tostitos Brand Tortilla Chips, any 9 oz or larger 4/29 Pepsico Moments To Save insert
Final $2.49 ea.
Best Choice Ketchup (24 oz.) – $0.65
Zatarain’s Rice Mix (6-8 oz.) – $1.67
Use $1.00/4 Zatarain’s Rice Mixes, any 4/15 RP insert (some areas got $0.50/3 coupons)
Final Cost $1.34-$1.42 ea.
Pace Picante Sauce or Salsa (16 oz.) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 Pace, any jars 4/29 SS insert (some areas got $0.40/2 coupon)
Or $0.50/2 coupon HERE (doubles, limit 2 on doubling)
Final Cost $1.50-$1.60 ea.
Allen’s Vegetables (Select 14.5-15.25 oz.) – $0.67
Use $0.50/3 Allens family of products, any 3/25 SS insert (doubles, limit 2 on doubling) (expires 5/6) (says do not double, ymmv, Thanks Suzanne)
Final Cost $0.34-$0.50 ea.
Wet Ones Wipes (24 ct.) – $2.00
Use $0.75/1 Wet Ones Wipes Product, any canisters or singles 4/22 SS insert (some areas got $1.00/2 coupon)
Final Cost $1.25-$1.50 ea.
The coupon for Allens veggies is do not double.
Thanks, I noted that in my post.