I just love these water beads! Get 10 Bags of Clear Water Gel Beads for $2.15 on Amazon right now. This includes FREE Shipping, with no minimum purchase required. Just keep in mind that Amazon prices do fluctuate frequently, so this deal can change at any time. These beads are really versatile and can be used for so many different things. Here are a few ideas for you from customer reviews on Amazon:
“This is such a great item. Each little bag (10 in each item) makes an amazing amount of water beads. These have been used at our house for quite a while and we will continue to use them. Great for starting plants to “root” and will support the longest stemmed flowers in a display. They are also fun for kids (with adult supervision) to play with. Makes a cute “Barbie” bubble bath!”
“We bought these to go in little glass bowls as the centerpieces for our wedding. I ordered just a few packages of these since they contained so many and expand to their right size once you put them in water.”
“I got these just because they’re like orbeez, but cheaper. These are so durable and grow so quick!”
“I actually used this for my plants. I use this instead of soil and my plants thrive! I had a huge problem with gnats getting in my soil and eating the roots so I decided to get this and see if it would work. My 2 vine plants are thriving!!! You get lots of beads and they last forever. Don’t be fooled by how small they are, they grow big and fill up a vase quickly.”
And if you prefer water beads with colors, here are some other options to consider:
- Purple Water Beads – $3.09 Shipped
- Mixed Colors Water Beads – $3.49 Shipped
- Pink Water Beads – $3.49 Shipped