Target has several toy sales going on their Daily Deals page. These are all one-day only deals, valid today only 11/8/11 or until they sell out whichever comes first & they all include Free Shipping!
- Playhut Let’s Play Clone Wars Control Center on sale $24.99, was $39.99 (pictured above)
- The Bridge Justin Bieber Singing Doll “One Time” on sale $14.99, was $25.99 (Cute present for the Bieber fans out there, this 12″ doll sings a clip of “One Time”, wears what he wore in the video & includes accessories too.)
- Thor Lightning Hammer on Sale $14.99, was $19.99
- Tonka Chuck & Friends Power PlaYard System Chuck’s Stunt Park on sale $19.99, was $27.99
- Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Accessory Set on Sale $9.99, was $16.99